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Friday 19 June 2009

Wrong again

I had a valiant attempt on Wednesday to talk the Crewe blog off it's high horse about Cheshire East Council's new media relations protocol. That post is here.

I thought I did quite well, until it turned out that the Cabinet's decision to allow and pass an amendment on the report at the last minute made me look like a fool. (Which many will say is quite just...)

I'd suggested that the intention of the protocol was to control spokesmen (ie, people speaking specifically on behalf of the council, rather than an individual member) for the council on the council's policy. However that report has disappeared (try the link on the original post), and an amended version published which removes ambiguity and confirms that my interpretation was wrong.

This report says that the team would like to
"report and monitor ALL interaction with the media" (emphasis from the report)
"If the enquiry is contentious....wider implications....criticism about CEC, the member...should take details...and pass this on to the Media Relations team who will....provide an appropriate response."
So none of us can criticise a decision? And finally, just to be crystal clear:
"This protocol does not preclude any political group or member issuing it's own media information through it's own channels. However all such information should be copied to the Media Team"
I'm surprised and shocked, but I'm withholding comment for the time being - until I hear back from the communications department at any rate.

(I contacted the author of the report on Wednesday...they've not responded yet. Doesn't bode well, does it?)


Sumoking said...

If your summary is correct then the media team have left some wiggle room in their sloppy drafting.

Consider that "we would like you to report" and "you should report" is not you MUST report.


My understanding of a Protocol is that is is by it's very nature a nonbinding guide.

frankly I am surprised you had not previously realised what horrors the dark and malevolent forces of officaldom could brew up.

Heidi Reid said...

You miss one Cabinet meeting and this happens...

"If the enquiry is contentious or has wider implications for CEC...the member or officer should take details of the journalist and the full nature of the enquiry and pass this on to the Media Relations team who will then liaise with the relevant parties to provide an appropriate response."

Surely each individual will have a different understanding of what equates to 'contentious?' So as I understand it this will mean just to err on the side of safety, all enquiries will be passed onto the media team for screening and the provision of glib responses.