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Sunday 9 November 2008


No....it wasn't because I was out dancing last night, but because I've just received my "Macclesfield Community Safety Handbook".

I've not had a chance to read the whole thing yet, but I opened the first page to read:

"The accuracy and content of any...editorial is not warranted or guaranteed by Cheshire Constabulary"

Which was a smart line to put in. Because just above it the contents lists:


For those that don't know, CRME is a new offence where people steal the vowels from perfectly good words. It's usually perpetrated by teenage owners of mobile phones, but it seems that people in the public sector spending tax payers cash are just as likely to offend.

Is the best we can do? I'm ashamed.

I'm about to "make enquiries" as the rozzers would say, and I'll be back when I've found out who is to blame. Hopefully we can snap them with a camera, put some points on their ECDL and see how they like it.

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