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Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Silk Cut

This one has been sitting around in my drafts since the beginning of the month, and would have remained there if it wasn't for Sir Nick jogging my memory on Friday night.

News coverage here: http://radiotoday.co.uk/news.php?extend.4477.2 of Sir Nick speaking out about the loss of Journalists from Silk FM in Macclesfield. This news was before that of the Macc Express cutting it's local staff and got a bit left behind by the later story.

Interestingly, Silk FM are also owned by the same company as the Macclesfield Express. Bit of a cartel going on here....

Update & apologies: I incorrectly took my info from the news article which incorrectly reports Nick incorrectly reporting that MEN also own Silk FM. I'd noticed the "sic" in the piece but though it was a matter of terminology (MEN Media) rather than of fact. Sorry chaps.

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