So I popped into town at about 11am Saturday morning - the time I thought should be busiest. Lovely day it was as well.
And I didn't have any trouble finding a space:
In fact, I lost interest after I counted over 100 free spaces. That could mean 200 extra people toddling around the town's shops.
An excellent question was also raised with regards to lost revenue and how I think it could be replaced. I'm working on figures for that one at the moment, but am a bit delayed because, numpty that I am, I've locked myself out of the council IT system.
Will report back.
"So I popped into town at about 11am Saturday morning - the time I thought should be busiest."
"And I didn't have any trouble finding a space:
Pants on fire!!!!
Looks like Whalley Heyes a non town centre car park. Churchill Way and the Heritage Centre were of course FULL.
Are the people who think Whalley Heyes is a 'non town centre car park' the same people who think Jordangate is too far out to walk to the shops?
Do these people actually know how to walk more than 6 steps at a time? Grow up, unless you are disabled there is NO excuse.
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