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Friday 29 August 2008

Listening to "The One", and thinking about the Weston Playing fields

"Fathers must take more responsibility to provide love and guidance to their Children"
The words above, uttered by Barack Obama, summed up for me everything that is right and wrong about what we perceive to be the problems in society today.

There is definitely a problem that some families do not provide the correct environment in which to raise a child. It is true to say that some do not understand that their responsibility stretches far beyond conception. I completely believe that there's only so much that the state can do about this. I also believe that the more the state tries to do, the less some parents do. Cameron said a while back:
"I don't think responsibility is something we can impose on people. It's within us all, and the more you try and do things for people, the less responsible they become."
However it's all too easy to blame it on the parents - and specifically the Fathers. One of the defining moments when growing up is the day that you realise your parents have never been on a training course, and they don't know the answer to everything. Some pick it up better than others, and what the state should do is support them in their learning in different ways.

This isn't the same as doing it for them - which is the current trend in central government. Teach a man to fish, and all that.

Christine Davies, Minister of the Calvary Church on the Weston made a very good point when we were discussing the Weston playing fields yesterday. She stressed that we need to create a space that encourages families to use it together. Not just somewhere the kids can go after school, but somewhere where families can convene on a Saturday morning and enjoy being with each other.

I've no doubt that she's right about that. What I'm not too sure about is how we go about it.

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