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Friday, 9 January 2009

More Chaos for Macclesfield

I've just received a reminder from Highways that the UTC works are to recommence in Macclesfield on Monday.

In the long term this means better traffic flow for Macclesfield (although, perversely, controlled from West Cheshire - lets hope we don't fall out with them lest they do a Putin).

In the short term this means complete traffic Chaos and a lot of money (which in my view would probably be better spent on improving road surfaces, but is probably "ring-fenced" in a way which prevents us from doing this).

These works will cause severe congestion in the Churchill Way area of the town centre. The works involved are anticipated to take place between 12th January and 31st March 2009.

* Churchill Way junction with King Edward Street and Chestergate - install new signals and pedestrian crossing facilities. Provide new marking layout at the roundabout at the top of Churchill Way.

(This is going to be interesting as the Roundabout causes fights both from Hibel Road and Churchill Way at present. Will be fun to see how it's resolved).

* Churchill Way junction with Castle Street and at Exchange Street (near Puffin Crossing) - install new signals and pedestrian crossing facilities at junctions.

* Cumberland Street near roundabout at Westminster Road junction - replacing existing Puffin Crossing.

Further information is available using the on-line mapping link on the following web page:- www.cheshire.gov.uk/roads

Best of luck.

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